About Me
A guy blogging cloud!
Adventures of Key Vault in Terraform
Trying to use Key Vault permissions in 2 different places and it keeps breaking? I have an article for you!
Making sense of Microsoft Enterprise Scale Terraform Module Outputs
Looking into how to make the outputs in Enterprise Scale a little more usable.
Logic Apps to Automate Cost Savings
A few logic apps to help control costs of Disks and Public IP addresses. Can easily be changed to support more resources!!
Adventures of Key Vault in Terraform
Trying to use Key Vault permissions in 2 different places and it keeps breaking? I have an article for you!
Making sense of Microsoft Enterprise Scale Terraform Module Outputs
Looking into how to make the outputs in Enterprise Scale a little more usable.
Terraform Modules
Terraform Modules, lets make some automation's
Lets talk automation! Discussing how what you could automate in your Terraform modules.
Terraform Modules, a little bit of repeating
Talking about how and where you create repetition with modules.
Terraform Modules, organising the modules
Talking about some of the take aways from my experience of building Terraform modules.
Terraform Modules, what are they?
An overview of Terraform modules and talking about processes around them.
How do I blog? And how do I Automate some of it!
An article about how I blog and how I automate some of my social media actions for the blog.
Logic Apps to Automate Cost Savings
A few logic apps to help control costs of Disks and Public IP addresses. Can easily be changed to support more resources!!
How do I blog? And how do I Automate some of it!
An article about how I blog and how I automate some of my social media actions for the blog.
Logic Apps to Automate Cost Savings
A few logic apps to help control costs of Disks and Public IP addresses. Can easily be changed to support more resources!!
LGBT+ in Tech
Talking about me and being proud inside the Tech world.
Explore Article Categories
Terraform (2)
Azure (3)
Terraform Modules (4)
Blogging (1)
Automation (2)
CostManagement (1)
AboutMe (1)